“The future of the euro” 21.09.2011 | Rue d'Arlon 40, Brussels

Professor Dr Markus Kerber, Berlin-based academic, will discuss his views on the future of the euro only a few days after the German Constitutional Court rejected his challenge against the eurozone bailouts. Professor Kerber together with the think-tank Europolis, consisting of 55 German entrepreneurs and academics, filed several constitutional complaints earlier this year against the Treaty of Lisbon, financial aid for Greece and the euro zone’s rescue mechanism, the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF).
Professor at the Technical University of Berlin, Professor Kerber has been practicing EU competition law for over 30 years.

Professor Dr. Marcus C. Kerber, the initiator of the legal challenge against bailouts of the sinking eurozone countries, attracted nearly hundred people to the New Direction headquarters in Brussels on 21 September 2011.

According to Kerber, the mostly political experiment called the euro in its current form is effectively over. He strongly criticised the European Central Bank for its bond buying action, warned against inflation and questioned the sustainability of public debt in Germany, which is expected to cover most of the eurozone insolvency problems. He also called for a debate on the reshaping of the Eurozone.

“If we cannot trim the eurozone [make Greece leave] to make it survive then the only chance for the surplus countries to survive and to fight the trend of further inflating bailouts will be to leave the Eurozone,” said Kerber.

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